I'm totally hooked on the Swenor Finstep Cap Classic Roller Skis. These super smooth roller skis even come with a slight Nordic camber. These roller skis are light years ahead of classis roller skis made of aluminum.
The Swenor Skate Elite Roller Skis come with a similar Nordic Camber and FASTER wheels to really get up to speed if you feel the need for speed. Total quality.
I've also been testing the following Salomon Cross Country Boots this past week:
Salomon S-LAB SKATE PRO, S-LAB SKIATHLON and S-LAB CLASSIC. WOW. Best boots ever. Even with my weird feet they all skied great right out of the box.
For poles I snagged a pair of SWIX CT1's - can't ever go wrong with a pair of CT1's.
Once we get snow I'm fired up to test the New Salomon S-LAB EQUIPE 10 SKATE SKIS and S-LAB EQUIPE 10 CLASSIC SKIS - they look great and should be fast, especially after all the SWIX base prep that I've done to them.
When teaching Nordic Walking Classes and out doing my own personal ski walking i'm always using my SWIX VIP Nordic Walking Poles - custom made for me over in Norway. They are very similar to my Alu Star classic and skate poles come winter.
My roller skiing poles and Nordic Walking poles have a lot in common. Both are made by SWIX and both are a durable and super strong one-piece design. Cheap/flimsy 2-piece and 3-piece twist-lock and flip-lock collapsible poles. Skiers know and appreciate the fact that their one-piece poles are stronger, lighter and much more durable than cheap/flimsy collapsible poles.
When it comes to Nordic Sports it is always best to go with one-piece non-collapsible poles that are sized correctly. The best straps for Nordic Sports are the fingerless glove type straps patented by the Salomon Ski Company and found on all of my walking poles and cross country ski poles.
My personal pole length:
125cm SWIX Poles for Nordic Walking
150cm SWIX Poles for Classic Cross Country Skiing
160cm SWIX Poles for Skate Cross Country Skiing
One-piece poles will always prove to be superior.